A photograph is a snapshot of a single moment in time. This may seem small and insignificant, but photographs can bring with them a wave of emotion and memory. We at Winning Steps like to take photographs to savour those beautiful moments when people are working hard, being creative and having fun!
At Merryhue Farm, we have a wide range of animals that our clients enjoy seeing. Some of our Artsemble group will even use the animals as models! This photo shows off our wonderful - and big - Poitou Donkeys.
Our Artsemble and Creative Aging classes employ artists to bring new techniques to those in our community. This can include more traditional craft skills, like watercolours, or more modern techniques such as digital design.
Our volunteer groups go all around East Cornwall to help local companies and organisations with some of their handiwork! This could be path clearing, horticultural work or putting up wooden structures. Here is one group posing with our banner after completing some path clearing.
This is a picture of one of our volunteer groups doing some path clearing at Harlings farm, Cornwall.
Artsemble brings in a number of eager professional artists to teach us how to do different skills.
Before path clearing, the staff at Harlings Farm showed our volunteer group around. The team enjoyed learning about their amazing animals!
Our Artsemble classes are primarily aimed at people who are isolated from the wider community and their carers. Our staff and artists are always around to provide a helping hand.
Here is an example of glasswork that one of our Artsemble class created!
Heading the Winning Steps mission is Sue Johns. She's always keen to get involved, and does a lot of glasswork in her spare time. Adam has the best jokes, though!